Features of a Good Workplace

A good environment and workplace heavily influence employees motivation to work perfectly. Creating a positive work environment will provide far better results for both employees and the company.

Physical office environment

Employees spend a lot of time inside a building. So the physical environments can influence their work performance and productivity.

It is often believed that employees who are more pleased with the physical environment are more likely to offer better work performance.
Air condition, lighting and noise conditions in the workplace affect the concentration and productivity of workers. Many studies have consistently shown that features of the physical work environment can have a significant effect on the behavior, feelings, and efficiency of workers.

Regular workplace designs provide closed private rooms for employees. In the other side, the current open-plan design has no regular separated offices and provides individual partitioned workspaces placed within an open space.
The open plan design continues to use increasingly due to its lower costs and convenience.
It was introduced to provide an environment that would make easy communication and increase work efficiency and reduce construction and costs as well. Moreover, some problems have also been reported with open offices design such as noise, lack of privacy and other distractions.

Indoor temperature affects both health and performance. Distressful factors decrease employees’ focus on their works. The use of air conditioning equipment can solve this matter.

Color of the work environment for Employees

Each color has a different effect. Colors influence both mood and also productivity. Thus, suitable colors should be chosen based on the size, shape, light, and structure of the office. Choosing a perfect color also depends on the type of business. Some jobs require great concentration, while others like journalists perform best in an exciting and energetic environment. It is suggested that green is perfect for a management office, a blue office is ideal for workers who focus and concentrate on numbers, and yellow is a good color for sales offices. Therefore, consideration of color to enhance productivity must be made with the right guidance.

Quiet Environment

The non-stop noise and lack of privacy is something that many workers can’t get away from. The workplace needs a quiet environment. Continuous noise plays the main part in raising stress levels but its effect might not initially be as obvious.
There are lots of noises in the workplace. people talk on the phone or to each other, phones, computers, printers and fax machines make some other noises as well. It can cause employees to feel exhausted much more frequently than normal. All of this stress can have serious results for both employees and managers. Such a situation can lead to anxiety and even physical aches and consequently to less productivity.

A quiet workplace room creates a place for members to do their responsibilities in peace. There will be no distractions or interruptions to make your customers and clients think you’re a difficult company to communicate with.

Some sense of privacy is important for moderating stress levels, that can be available in a quiet environment. Employees sometimes may just have a need for a moment by themselves. It can have a positive impact on reducing their stress levels and increasing their productivity.

Concentration can be interrupted without a quiet environment. While employees work on important projects, it’s indispensable that everything is done correctly. It will need great focus and concentration, which is a big deal in a noisy environment.
Workers sometimes try to solve this by using noise-reducing headphones, which have their own problems. A soundproof booth is a good option and more effective. Also, there are other soundproof devices enjoying modern technology that can help with this issue.

Comfortable Work Environment

Creating a comfortable workplace is not only about physical comfort but also about designing work based on workers’ cognitive and psychological characteristics. The work environment should motivate employees to focus on doing their best work.

Adjustable chairs and desks and the position of computer screens can both reduce pain and promote focus. Everything in the work environment from temperature to interior design can be considered as a feature affecting personnel’s performance.

Positive communication

Positive communication between a manager and employees is crucial for a productive working relationship. Managers must need employees to respect them—not fear them. In addition, employees need to know what the manager wants them to accomplish. Also, the manager needs to predict what they expect from him/her.

Both sides of the communication must be clear and direct. The issues and causes should be addressed clearly. It’s much better for managers and employees to be direct with their words.

Respect for employees’ opinions

Everyone in the company is hired for a reason. Paying attention to employees’ ideas motivate them to be more effective. This will declare that each member is valuable. Set up a weekly meeting and allow employees to share their ideas and tips. In this way, they learn from each other and look for more ideas to share with the team.

Show Gratitude

Managers should recognize the individuals who work hard and encourage them to keep up the work. Employees will see that hard work is appreciated. Other workers are motivated to strive for the same recognition as well.

Providing a Trustworthy Workplace

Management in an instinct way results in controlling all the details of workers in a way that they think is annoying. It may make sure everything is running exactly as managers want it, but that only creates a negative environment for everyone in the workplace. Everyone has a feeling like they’re being watched.

Maintain a Happy and Joyful Workplace

Employees are spending plenty of time in the workplace. Setting up a professional workplace is important, but there is no mean to be boring. Happier employees will work much better than a miserable one.

There are some ways to have both fun and professional workplace. Employees’ workplace can be decorated by their own styles to show off their personalities, each may have his/her own decorated desk. Allow employees to take breaks during the work so they will be happier, more confident and more productive. Using flowers and some beautiful pictures around the workplace is profitable.

Also, some special occasions can be celebrated with employees such as winning in a project, holding a birthday party or achieving a goal.
Employees will react according to management behavior. If managers stay positive, the workplace will reflect that and vice versa. Any behavior is contagious in the workplace. If management shows respect, patience, trust, and encouragement, more likely to receive them in return.

Spread Positive Thinking

Positive and motivating quotes or pictures can be put around in the workplace mostly the places where receive high traffic, so everybody can see.

Remind the Job’s Purpose and Importance

Employees can add value to the workplace by the roles they play to promote the business. So managers should remind themselves and others why their jobs are important. Afterward, they think and focus on the purpose and responsibilities they have to accomplish. The services or products which a business offers to its customers tightly rely on what everybody does individually or in a team. Building a business is a two-way street. Employees will use their energy, experience, and knowledge to focus on promoting the business only if the organization accept to compensate them for theirs.

Building a team is a two-way street. On one side, your employees agree to use their talents and experience to drive the organization forward. On the other, companies agree to compensate them for their efforts.


When the aim is to foster a high performing team and a profitable work environment, a company can’t take a risk without any plans. Some new employees quit working in the first three months. The business should provide new workers with a course that train them about its roles, culture, and values. They should also understand how the team works as a whole.